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The little dog and the evil wolf are a targeted educational story for the kids before sleeping

The little dog and the evil wolf are a targeted educational story for the kids before sleeping
little dog

Beautiful is the story we tell our children before sleeping. This story remains in their minds, they think about it all night, and while they sleep and stay in their little thoughts, we plant a useful and important idea in their lives and teach them useful lessons in life. I present to you in our site of TeleMe (the story of world ) a beautiful story of children under the title, "The Little Dog and the Evil Wolf," a meaningful educational story for children before sleeping .

The little dog and the evil wolf are a targeted educational story for the kids before sleeping

Once upon a time, in that remote forest, filled with animals of many different shapes, sizes, and colors, there were many animals living in the forest, living happily and well, there were three dogs living in one house, a loving brother who feared each other after the parents left.

They were happy and happy, they loved to play in the courtyard, and one day, the little dog went out playing far away from home alone, and his older brother warned him not to get away from home, so that the wolf wouldn't eat it.

But the little dog didn't hear the talk, and went alone in the big forest, and the wolf saw him running and playing with the birds, he went after him and told him, "Wait, little dog, wait, I want to tell you something important. Stand the dog with caution. What do you want from me, the wolf replied, wait a little while and tell me where you're going?" I'm going to the woods to play with the little birds.

I'm gonna go play with you and we're gonna enjoy playing together. I don't want to play with you. You're so evil. You might have eaten me. No, no, I won't. Trust me, why do I eat you? I just want to play with you. Believe me, the dog looked at him and said, "Promise me you won't eat me, wolf." The wolf said, "I promise you, let's play."

The little dog agreed to play with the wolf and didn't listen to his brother's advice not to play with the wolf because he was evil, eating little dogs and fearing big ones, but he used the little ones to take revenge on the adults who threatened his life but did not listen to anyone's words.

He took the wolf and said to the dog with a gift: You want to see something strange, dog, I want to show you the abandoned well in the forest, this well in a lot of bones, the dog's joy is so much, and he says, "Do you speak, Wolf, there really is a lot of bones that shake his head and he says, "Yes, there's a lot of bones. Come with me and you'll see for yourself, the little dog believed him and went to the abandoned well until he takes the bones."

They entered the dark forest, and the owl, the dog friend, was standing on the tree, and it was a good owl. I saw the little dog and felt it was in trouble, so I hurried to run a plane quickly to his big brothers, and told them to save your brother that he was with the wicked wolf next to the abandoned well.

The big dogs were running fast next to the well, known that the wolves were afraid of big dogs, when the wolf saw them run faster and scared, but he was hurt and hit the little dog in his feet and feet, and the big dog stood up and said what you did, little naughty brother, didn't I tell you not to go with the wolf?

The little dog wept violently and apologized, saying, "I apologize, brother, for I did not hear your words and went with the evil wolf, and I believed that he was not evil." Why should I lie to you, brother? I want your interest. Why didn't you listen to me from the beginning, so that you don't hurt yourself. I'm your big brother. I love you well and I know your interest.

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